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Projet Feux | UMR SPE 6134
Frédéric Morandini


Ingénieur de recherche

Responsable plateforme laboratoire combustion

Tel : 04 95 45 02 43

Mail : frederic.morandini@univ-corse.fr

Projet Feu, UMR SPE CNRS 6134


logo univ-corse         Docteur en énergétique, Université de Corse, 2000



Activités :

Mes activités consistent à proposer des techniques et méthodes de mesure adaptées à la caractérisation des feux et à concevoir des dispositfs expérimentaux aux échelles du laboratoire et du terrain.

Réalisations :

Instrumentation de brulage dirigé (Sainte Lucie, 2004)

Mesures flux thermiques, température, vitessse du vent

Instrumentation de brulage dirigé (Forêt de Lospedale et Valdu Niellu, 2005-08)

Mesures température du sol au houpier

Instrumentation de brulage dirigé (Asco, 2006)

Mesures flux thermiques, température, vitessse du vent

Instrumentation de brulage dirigé (Cargèse, 2006)

Mesures flux thermiques, température, vitessse du vent

Instrumentation de brulage dirigé (Le Vigan, 2006)

Collaboration CEREN

Mesures flux thermiques, température, vitessse du vent

Instrumentation en pépinière (Ajaccio, 2008)

Mesures de l'impact thermique du feu sur de jeunes individus, thermographie infrarouge

Experimentation en laboratoire (Corte, 2009-11)

Programme Européen PROTERINA-C

Feux à plat et en pente

Mesures flux thermiques, températures, calorimétrie, thermographie infrarouge

Instrumentation de brulage dirigé (Letia, 2009)

Mesures flux thermiques, vitessse du vent, thermographie infrarouge

Instrumentation de brulage dirigé (Letia, 2010)

Mesures flux thermiques, vitessse du vent, thermographie infrarouge

Experimentation en laboratoire

Collaboration INRA (Avignon, 2010)

Mesures flux thermiques, imagerie, thermographie infrarouge

Experimentation sur le terrain (Corte, 2011)

Feux en présence de vent

Mesures flux thermiques, températures, thermographie infrarouge, PIV

Experimentation en laboratoire (Corte, 2011)

Collaboration Ecole Centrale Paris

Mesures flux thermiques, températures, calorimétrie, PIV

Experimentation en laboratoire

Collaboration CORIA (Rouen, 2012)

Mesures flux thermiques, PIV, Chimiluminescence

Instrumentation sur le terrain (Verghellu, 2011-15)

Office de l'Environnement de la Corse

Thèse G. Lapa

Mesures en continu de flux de sève dans les troncs

Experimentation en laboratoire

Feux en pente

Collaboration INRA (Avignon, 2013)

Projet CORSICA 2010-14

Mesures flux thermiques, imagerie, PIV

Plateforme terrain

Projet REC1/MICNA (PO FeDER 2010-2014)

Collaboration SDIS Haute-Corse

Mesure des transferts de chaleur sur un engin de lutte

Instrumentation de brulage dirigé (Verghellu, 2014)

Thèse G. Lapa

Mesures de flux de sève et de température dans les troncs

Experimentation en laboratoire

Réaction au feu du ciste (Corte, 2014-17)

Thèse J.B. Tramoni

Mesures flux thermiques, temperatures, calorimétrie

Experimentation en laboratoire

Feux en pente

Collaboration INRA (Avignon, 2014)

Projet CORSICA 2010-14

Mesures flux thermiques, imagerie, PIV

Plateforme terrain (Corte, 2017)

Développement d’un système de mesure basé sur un réseau de capteurs sans fils WSN OCARI

Mesures flux thermiques et températures, pile OCARI

Plateforme terrain (Corte, 2017)

Mesure des corrélations entre les propriétés géométriques des flammes et le rayonnement

Collaboration Thème Vision

Mesures flux thermiques, imagerie stéréovision

Expérimentation en laboratoire

Influence de l’humidité sur la propagation du feu (Corte, 2018-20)

Thèse C. Awad

Mesures flux thermiques, températures, perte de masse, calorimétrie

Plateforme terrain (Corte, 2018-20)

Projets MED-Star et Inter-MED : Gestion et réduction du risque d'incendie à l'interface espace naturel - habitat

Mesure des transferts de chaleur sur les éléments sensibles d’une habitation (fenêtres, volets)

Mesures flux thermiques, températures, vent, imagerie


Publications :

  1. F. Morandini, P.A. Santoni and J.H. Balbi. Validation study of a two-dimensional model of fire spread across a fuel bed. Combustion Science and Technology, 2000, 157: 141-165.
  2. F. Morandini, P.A. Santoni and J.H. Balbi. The contribution of radiant heat transfer to laboratory-scale fire spread under the influences of wind and slope Fire Safety Journal, 2001, 36: 519-543.
  3. F. Morandini, P.A. Santoni and J.H. Balbi. Fire Front Width Effects on Fire Spread across a sloping Fuel Bed at Laboratory Scale. Combustion Science and Technology, 2001, 166: 67-90.
  4. F. Morandini, P.A. Santoni, J.H. Balbi, J. Ventura, J. Mendes-Lopes. A two-dimensional model of fire spread across a fuel bed including wind combined with slope conditions. International Journal of Wildland fire, 2002, 11(1): 53-63.
  5. F. Morandini, A. Simeoni, P.A. Santoni, J.H. Balbi. A model for the spread of fire across a fuel bed incorporating the effects of wind and slope, Combustion Science and Technology, 2005, 177: 1381-1418.
  6. P.A. Santoni, A. Simeoni, J.L. Rossi, F. Bosseur, F. Morandini, X. Silvani, J.H. Balbi, D. Cancelieri, L. Rossi, Instrumentation of wildland fire: characterisation of a fire spreading through a Mediterranean shrub, Fire Safety Journal, 2006, 41(3): 171-184.
  7. F. Morandini, X. Silvani, L. Rossi, P.A. Santoni, A. Simeoni, J.H. Balbi, J.L. Rossi, T. Marcelli. Fire spread experiment across Mediterranean shrub: influence of wind on flame front properties, Fire Safety Journal, 2006, 41(3): 229-235.
  8. X. Silvani, F. Morandini. Fire spread experiments in the field: Temperature and heat fluxes measurements, Fire Safety Journal, 2009, 44(2): 279-285.
  9. M. Cannac, V. Pasqualini, T. Barboni, F. Morandini, L. Ferrat. Phenolic compounds of Pinus laricio needles: A bio indicator of the effects of prescribed burning in function of season, Science of the Total Environment, 2009, 407: 4542-4548.
  10. M. Cannac, T. Barboni, L. Ferrat, A. Bighelli, V. Castola, J. Costa, D. Trecul, F. Morandini, V. Pasqualini. Oleoresin flow and chemical composition of corsican pine in response to prescribed burnings, Forest Ecology and Management, 2009, 257: 1247-1254.
  11. X. Silvani, F. Morandini, J.-F. Muzy. Wildfire spread experiments: fluctuations in thermal measurements, International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2009, 36(9): 887-892.
  12. T. Antoine-Santoni, X. Silvani, F. Morandini, J.F. Santucci, E. De Gentili. Performance of a protected Wireless Sensor Network in a fire. Analysis of fire spreading and data Sensors, 2009, 9(8), 5878-5893.
  13. J.H. Balbi, F. Morandini, X. Silvani, J.B. Filippi and F. Rinieri. A Physical Model for Wildland Fire Combustion and Flame, 2009, 156(12): 2217-2230.
  14. J.B. Filippi, F. Morandini, J.H. Balbi, D. Hill. Discrete event front tracking simulator of a physical fire spread model, Simulation, 2010, 86(10): 629-646.
  15. M. Cannac, L. Ferrat, T. Barboni, N. Chiaramonti, F. Morandini, V. Pasqualini. Identification of flavonoids in Pinus Laricio needles and changes occurring after prescribed burning Chemoecology, Springer Verlag, 2010, 21 (1), pp.9-17.
  16. F. Morandini, X. Silvani. Experimental investigation of the physical mechanisms governing the spread of wildfires, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2010, 19: 570–582.
  17. A. Simeoni, P. Salinesi and F. Morandini. Physical modelling of forest fire spreading through heterogeneous fuel beds, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2010, 20(5): 625-632.
  18. M. Cannac, L. Ferrat, F. Morandini, T. Barboni, V. Pasqualini. Identification of flavonoids in Pinus laricio needles and changes occurring after prescribed burning, Chemoecology, 2011, 21: 9–17.
  19. P.A. Santoni, F. Morandini and T. Barboni. Steady and Unsteady Fireline Intensity of Spreading Fires at Laboratory Scale, Open Thermodynamics Journal, 2010, 4: 212-219.
  20. T. Barboni, F. Morandini, L. Rossi, T. Molinier and PA Santoni. Measure of the fireline intensity obtained by calorimetry and the relationship with the flame length, Combustion Science and Technology, 2012, 184(2): 186-204.
  21. P.A. Santoni, F. Morandini, T. Barboni. Determination of fireline intensity by oxygen consumption calorimetry. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2011, 104(3): 1005-1015.
  22. F. Morandini, X. Silvani and A. Susset. Feasibility of Particle Image Velocimetry in Vegetative Fire Spread Experiments, Experiments in Fluids, 2012, 53(1): 237-244.
  23. X. Silvani, F. Morandini and J-L Dupuy, Effects of slope on fire spread observed through video images and multiple-point thermal measurements, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2012, 41: 99-111.
  24. V. Tihay, F. Morandini, P.A. Santoni, Y. Perez-Ramirez and T. Barboni, Study of the influence of fuel load and slope on a fire spreading across a bed of pine needles by using oxygen consumption calorimetry, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2012, 395(012075): 1-9.
  25. F. Morandini, Y. Perez-Ramirez, V. Tihay, P.A. Santoni, T. Barboni, Radiant, convective and heat release characterization of vegetation fire, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013, 70: 83-91.
  26. V. Tihay, F. Morandini, P.A. Santoni, Y. Perez-Ramirez and T. Barboni, Combustion of forest litters under slope conditions: Burning rate, heat release rate, convective and radiant fractions for different loads Combustion and Flame, 2014, 161: 3237-3248.
  27. F. Morandini, X. Silvani, D. Honoré, G. Boutin, A. Susset and R. Vernet, Slope effects on the fluid dynamics of a fire spreading across a fuel bed: PIV measurements and OH* chemiluminescence imaging, Experiments in Fluids, 2014, 55:1788.
  28. X. Silvani, F. Morandini, E. Innocenti and S. Perez, Evaluation of a wireless sensor network with low cost and low energy consumption for fire detection and monitoring, Fire Technology, 2014, 1-23.
  29. V. Leroy-Cancellieri, P. Augustin, J.B. Filippi, C. Mari, M. Fourmentin, F. Bosseur, F. Morandini and H. Delbarre, Evaluation of wildland fire smoke plume dynamics and aerosol load using UV scanning lidar and fire-atmosphere modelling during the Mediterranean Letia 2010 experiment, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2014, 14: 509-523.
  30. D. Weise, E. Koo, X. Zhou, S. Mahalingam, F. Morandini, JH. Balbi, Fire spread in chaparral – a comparison of laboratory data and model predictions in burning live fuels International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2016, 25: 980-994.
  31. X. Silvani, F. Morandini, J.L. Dupuy, A. Susset, R. Vernet, Olivier Lambert, Measuring velocity field and heat transfer during natural fire spread over large inclinable bench Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2018, 92: 184–201.
  32. G. Lapa, F. Morandini, L. Ferrat, Sap flow and photosynthetic response to climate and drought of Pinus nigra in a Mediterranean natural forest, Trees, 2017, Volume 31, Issue 5, 1711–1721.
  33. , X. Silvani, F. Morandini, J-L Dupuy, A. Susset, Fire spread across a sloping fuel bed: flame dynamics and heat transfers, Combustion and Flame, 2018.
  34. D. Cancellieri, V. Leroy-Cancellieri, X. Silvani, F. Morandini, New experimental diagnostics in combustion of forest fuels: microscale appreciation for a macroscale approach, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 1957-1968, 2018.
  35. T. Carlotti, X. Silvani, E. Innocenti, F. Morandini, N. Bulté, T. Dang, An OCARI-Based Wireless Sensor Network for Heat Measurements during Outdoor Fire Experiments, Sensors, 2019, 19(1), 158.
  36. F. Morandini, T. Toulouse, X. Silvani, A. Pieri, L. Rossi, Image-based diagnostic system for the measurement of flame properties and radiation, Fire Technology, 2019, 55(6), 2443-2463.
  37. F. Morandini, P.A. Santoni, J.B. Tramoni, R. Mell, Experimental investigation of flammability and numerical study of combustion of shrub of rockrose under severe drought conditions, Fire Safety Journal, 2019, 108.
  38. J.H. Balbi, F.J. Chatelon, D. Morvan, J.L. Rossi, T. Marcelli, F. Morandini, A convective–radiative propagation model for wildland fires, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2020, 29, 723–738.
Page mise à jour le 25/09/2020 par LUCILE ROSSI-TISON