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Projet Feux | UMR SPE 6134
First themed School focusing on the Science of Fires and its Applications

The first themed School focusing on the topic of CNRS Fire Science and its Applications was organised in June 2015 at the University of Corsica. It met the high expectations of doctoral students, engineers and researchers in the field in France, and was met with great success with 62 participants.



Sponsored by the CSTB, Efectis France, IRSN, CORIA, Calyxis, Doctoral Schools 353 and 377 and supported by the permanent training entity of the CNRS, the Fire School offered training at PhD level in the field of fire and fire safety engineering. It enabled participants to gain a better understanding of research laboratories, technical centres, manufacturers with their specific areas of speciality and to have discussions centred on this topic.

The School relied on core and speciality courses, specific debates, workshops on digital tools (fire dynamics and radiation).

The programme's main areas of focus were:
- Source term: combustion, fire behaviour of materials
- Transfers of heat and mass: transportation of smoke, radiation, extinction
- Fire metrology: calorimetry, thermoaerology, gas analysis
- Confined fires: modelling, experimentation, fire air flow
- Wildland fires: modelling, experimentation, forest / dwelling interfaces

Poster sessions were organised to present the research work carried out by participants. 30 hours of lessons and workshops were held. Three 1.5 hour debates were held in the evening offering the opportunity for participants and conference speakers to exchange.

Page mise à jour le 04/12/2017 par MATTHIEU VAREILLE