Film presenting the entire "Fire" Project
This film was produced by Mrs Gaelle Castellotti as part of her second year internship at the IUT of Corsica’s DUT Métiers du Multimédia et de l'Internet. It presents the essence of the "Fire" Project in three minutes.
Film entitled: "Life-size experimental fires" (in French: "Les feux expérimentaux de taille réelle") presenting an experimental burn undertaken by "Fire" Project researchers in partnership with forestry firefighters of the Regional Council of Corse-du-Sud in 2010 in the municipality of Letia (Corse-du-Sud).
Film presenting the "Fire" Project and an experimental burn
This film was produced in 2004 by the CNRS Images et la Cité des sciences et de l’industrie during a large-scale experimental burn carried out in Corse-du-Sud by members of the "Fire" Project in partnership with firefighters from the SDIS 2A and Regional Council 2A.
Film entitled "Instrumentation and experimentation of wildland fires" (in French: "Instrumentation et expérimentation de feux de végétation") presenting a day of experimental burning conducted by "Fire" Project researchers at the Civil Security site in Corte, in April 2017.
This film was produced by Mrs Gaelle Castellotti as part of her second year internship at the IUT of Corsica’s DUT Métiers du Multimédia et de l'Internet.
Interviews with researchers of the "Fire" Project
Audio presentation of visual measurement during a controlled burn
This multimedia product provides information about the visual-based tools for controlled burns and the use of recorded data.
Presentation entitled "A convective model of surface fire spread" (in French: "Un modèle convectif de propagation de feux de surface")
A presentation on a simplified physical convection-based model developed as part of the "Fire" Project by François Joseph Chatelon, Jacques Henri Balbi, Jean Louis Rossi and Thierry Marcelli in collaboration with Dominique Morvan of the Mechanics Laboratory of the Aix-Marseille University was given at the GDR Fire meeting held in March 2017. Here is the recording thereof
Presentation of the DIMZAL software which is a tool for calculating the size of Firebreak Zones
Working in collaboration with the University of Corsica UMR SPE 6134, the "Fire" Project modelling team developed DIMZAL, a tool that should be able to ascertain the size of operations with the focus on the protection of firefighters. A tool that should then, after a few modifications, be able to ascertain the required size of fuel clearing around building sites.
Presentation of the thesis work conducted by Tom Toulouse entitled: "Estimating the geometric characteristics of fire using cameras" (in French: "Estimer les caractéristiques géométriques d'un feu grâce à des caméras")
In this presentation, Tom Toulouse explains to the audience the work he has done as part of his thesis entitled "Estimation of the geometric characteristics of fire spread through multimodal stereovision" (in French: "Estimation par stéréovision multimodale de caractéristiques géométriques d'un feu de végétation en propagation") defended on 13 November 2015.