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Projet Feux | UMR SPE 6134
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National projects

Page contents: 

>ANR FireCaster Program

> ANR IDEA Programme

> Corsica Programme

> PEPS PaleoStock Project


FireCaster Program

The aim of the FireCASTER (Fire for CASTing and Emergency Response platform) funded by the National Agency for Research (ANR) over the period 2017-2020 is to develop a new-generation decision-making support system for fires on a national scale based on IT methods and resources. It will provide operational organisms with more efficient means allowing for a prediction of fire risks and the management of crises underway.

This programme associates researchers from the "Fire" team of the CNRS Sciences for the Environment (SPE) UMR, the Places, Identities, Spaces and Activities (LISA) UMR, the Basic and Applied Research Centre specialised in Modelling and Numerical Simulation (CERFACS), the Aerology Laboratory (LA), the French National Centre for Meteorological Research (CNRM) and the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA). It is coordinated by Jean-Baptiste Filippi, a member of the CNRS Sciences for the Environment (SPE) UMR "Fire" project.

A detailed description of this programme can be found at the following address: https://firecaster.universita.corsica

IDEA Programme

The goal of the IDEA programme (Forest Fires: Propagation Dynamics and Atmospheric Emissions Simulation by Code Coupling), funded by the National Agency for Research (ANR) over the period 2010-2013, was to produce one validated large fires simulation system taking into account the coupling and feedback loop between combustion, propagation dynamics and meteorology.

The coupling was performed by tabulation and parameterisation of combustion processes, and then nested grids from the flame front (mesh < 100m) up to regional scale (mesh > 1km). The Meso-NH atmospheric code and the ForeFire fire propagation code were used for the largest scales, requiring parallelisation and coupling work. The Firestar and AVBP combustion codes were implemented to determine the reduced flame behaviour models used in ForeFire. The ultimate goal was the demonstration of a coupled, multi-level forest fire simulation system.

This programme brings together researchers from the "Fire" team of the CNRS Sciences for the Environment (SPE) UMR, the Basic and Applied Research Centre specialised in Modelling and Numerical Simulation (CERFACS), the Aerology Laboratory (LA), the French National Centre for Meteorological Research (CNRM), the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA) and the Macroscopic Molecular Energy and Combustion Laboratory (the EM2C) (UPR 288 of the CNRS, Ecole Centrale de Paris, Châtenay-Malabry). It is coordinated by Jean-Baptiste Filippi, a member of the CNRS Sciences for the Environment (SPE) UMR "Fire" project.

The ANR gave the programme Flagship project status.

 Corsica programme

The aim of the CORSICA programme (Corsican Regional Observatory for Research and Studies on Climate and The Atmosphere-ocean Environment in the western Mediterranean) was to build a multi-site instrumental measurement platform dedicated to atmospheric and oceanographic studies in Corsica.

Start date: June 2012 Duration: 26 months

Total project amount: €1.2M (ERDF), amount for the Fire Project: €70K


  PEPS PaleoStock Project

As part of this project, a study of the use of natural rocks to achieve high-temperature thermal storage was carried out, based on the modifications applied during the intentional heating of rock materials to facilitate carving them in prehistoric times.

Start date: September 2013 Duration: 12 months

Total project amount: €15K (National Centre for Scientific Research), amount for the Fire Project: €3.8K


Page mise à jour le 04/12/2017 par MATTHIEU VAREILLE