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Projet Feux | UMR SPE 6134
Article published in Corse-Matin about the ForeFire simulator

Within the framework of the ANR IDEA project (Incendies, de la combustion aux émissions atmosphériques) coordinated by the University of Corsica’s CNRS SPE laboratory, a demonstration of the ForeFire online simulation platform prototype specially designed for professionals will be carried out on Thursday 22 April at midday in Corte, Room 125, the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies.

The aim of the ANR IDEA project is to create the first approved large fire simulation system that takes into account coupling and feedback between combustion, propagation dynamics and meteorology. The objective is to develop the digital means necessary for the resolution of forest fires coupled with the simulation of a meteorological model (Meso-NH). This simulator should allow for the progress of flame fronts and the development of smoke plumes which release significant greenhouse gasses, to be predicted. This three-year project is funded by the National Research Agency (ANR) and coordinated by the University of Corsica CNRS SPE, in collaboration with the CERFACS (the European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computing), Météo-France, the École Centrale Paris, the Midi-Pyrénées Observatory, the University of Marseille, the INRIA (National Institute for Research in
Computer Science and Automation).

Corse-Matin did a showcase of the ForeFire tool developed by researchers of the "Fire" Project.


The article can be read at the address: http://www.corsematin.com/article/corse/prevention-incendie-forefire-prochainement-teste-sur-le-terrain

Page mise à jour le 04/12/2017 par MATTHIEU VAREILLE