Section: 62
UMR SPE CNRS 6134 Fire Project
PhD in Physics
PhD thesis in Physical Science
Specialising in undersea acoustics
Acoustic diffusion by two elastic targets in a spherical geometric shape
University of Corsica, 1996
Research fields
- Development of simplified physical models to evaluate the behaviour of wildland fires
- Development of models allowing for the radiative impact of wildland fires to be measured for a specific target
- Development of models on safety distance for firefighters
- Development of models for the thermal degradation of plant biomass
Since 2004, his research work has focused on the design of simplified models with a view to describing the behaviour of forest fires within a group of researchers working on "fire modelling". His initial theoretical work focused on the development of a simplified physical model that can provide the characteristics of surface fire in real time. Based on "strong" hypotheses, it is possible to obtain an analytical formulation of the problem through rapid calculations which are therefore likely to be used by simulators. Our group of researchers is also working on a transient propagation model that can describe the conditions of ignition and the development of eruptive fire. These efforts also extend to the development of convective models. Parallel to this research, partnerships formed with chemist colleagues have allowed for the provision of models likely to yield results in the field of the thermal degradation of plant biomass. Work conducted with a view to developing our knowledge in terms of the characterisation of fuels. Work has also been directed towards the quantification of thermal radiation impacting a target and the development of a safety distance model. Finally, collaborative, cross-disciplinary work has led to the development of a decision-making support prototype called DIMZAL, coupling the propagation model with the safety distance model.
The author of 18 international publications, she has taken part in 21 international conferences.
Significant publications
Articles published in peer-reviewed journals
- A convective model for laboratory fires with well-ordered vertically-oriented fuel beds, F.J. CHATELLON, J.H. BALBI, D. MORVAN, J.L. ROSSI and T. MARCELLI, Fire Safety Journal, 2017, 90, 54-61, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2017.04.022
- DIMZAL: A Software Tool to Compute Acceptable Safety Distance, P.A. Bisgambiglia, J.L. Rossi, R. Franceschini, F.J. Chatelon, P.A. Bisgambiglia, L. Rossi and T. Marcelli, Open Journal of Forestry, 2017, 7, 11-23, DOI: 10.4236/ojf.2017.71002
- Surface Fires: No Wind, No Slope, Marginal Burning, J.H. BALBI, D.X. VIEGAS, J.L. ROSSI, C. ROSSA, F.J. CHATELLON, A. SIMEONI, D. CANCELLIERI and T. MARCELLI, Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering A, 2014, 3 (2), 73-86, ISSN: 1934-8932
- Modelling Eruptive Fire Occurrence and Behaviour, J.H. BALBI, F.J. CHATELLON, J.H. ROSSI, A. SIMEONI, D.X. VIEGAS and C. ROSSA, Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B, 2014, 3 (2), 115-132, ISSN: 2162-5263
- An analytical model based on radiative heating for the determination of the safety distances for wildland fire, J.L. ROSSI, A. SIMEONI, B. MORETTI and V. LEROY, Fire Safety Journal, 2011, 46 (1), 520-527, DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2011.07.007
- Simplified flame models and prediction of the thermal radiation emitted by a flame front in an outdoor fire, J.L. ROSSI, K. CHETEHOUNA, A. COLLIN, B. MORETTI and J.H. BALBI, Combustion Science and Technology, 2010, 182, 1457-1477, DOI: 10.1080/00102202.2010.489914
- Physical modelling of surface fire under non-parallel wind and slope conditions, J.H. BALBI, J.L. ROSSI, T. MARCELLI and F.J. CHATELLON, Combustion Science and Technology, 2010, 182 (7), 922-939, DOI: 10.1080/00102200903485178
- Kinetics study of forest fuels by TGA: Model free kinetic approach for the prediction of phenomena, V. Leroy, D. Cancellieri, E. Leoni and J.L. Rossi, Thermochimica Acta, 2010, 497, 1-6, DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2009.08.001
- A 3D physical real-time model of surface fires across fuel beds, J.H. BALBI, J.L. ROSSI, T. MARCELLI and J.A. SANTONI, Combustion Science and Technology, 2007, 179 (12), 2511-2537, DOI: 10.1080/00102200701484449
- Instrumentation of wildland fire: characterisation of a fire spreading through Mediterranean shrub, P.A. SANTONI, A. SIMEONI, J.L. ROSSI, F. BOSSEUR, F. Morandini, X. Silvani, J.H. BALBI, D. CANCELLIERI and L. ROSSI, Fire Safety Journal, 2006, 41(3), 171-184, DOI:10.1016/j.firesaf.2005.11.010
- Fire spread experiments across Mediterranean shrub: influence of wind on flame front properties, F. Morandini, X. Silvani, L. Rossi, P.A. Santoni, A. Simeoni, J.H. BALBI, J.L. Rossi and T. Marcelli, Fire Safety Journal, 2006, 41(3), 229-235, DOI:10.1016/j.firesaf.2006.01.006
- Kinetics of the thermal degradation of Erica arborea by DSC: Hybrid kinetic method, D. Cancellieri, E. Leoni and J.L. Rossi, Thermochimica Acta, 2005, 438 (1-2), 41-50, DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2005.07.013
Book chapters
- La modellistica del comporamento degli incendi, B. Arca, M. Salis, P.A. Santoni, J.L. Rossi, and D. Spano, Strumenti e modelli a supporto della planificazione, prevenzione e difesa dagli incendi boschini, Ed. Valentina Bacciu, Michele Salis, Donatella Spano, Publication date September 2015, ISBN: 978-88-99-323-05-9, pp. 61-92
- Front fire propagation model: use of mathematical model and vision technology, L. Rossi, J.H. Balbi, J.L. Rossi, T. Marcelli and A. Pieri, Advanced Technologies, Research – Development – Applications, Ed. Bojan Lalic, Publication date 30-07-2006, ISBN: 3-86611-197-5, pp. 745-760
Guest conference
- Firefighter Safety in High Intensity Fires, J.L. Rossi and A. Simeoni, "Short Course on Fire Safety" at the VII International Conference on Forest Fire Research, 14 November 2014, Coimbra (Portugal)
Articles published in proceedings of international peer-reviewed conferences
- Determining a safety condition in the prevention of eruptive fires , J. Chatelon, J.H. Balbi, J.L. Rossi, A. Simeoni, D.X. Viegas and T. Marcelli, VII International Conference on Forest Fire Research, 17 - 21 November 2014, Coimbra (Portugal), DOI:
- Mobile application based on a physical model to calculate Acceptable Safety Distance, P.A. Bisgambiglia, R. Franceschini, F.J. Chatelon, J.L. Rossi and P.A. Bisgambiglia, VII International Conference on Forest Fire Research, 17 - 21 November 2014, Coimbra (Portugal), DOI:
- Dominant preheating transfer mechanism in wildfire propagation: radiation or convection? , J. Chatelon, J.H. Balbi, J.L. Rossi and T. Marcelli, 4th Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, 1-4 July 2013, St Petersburg (Russia), pp. 390-393C
- Convective - radiative model for surface fires, J.H. Balbi, J. Chatelon, R. Franceschini, J.L. Rossi, J.B. Filippi, F. Morandini and T. Marcelli, IDEA - Numerical Wildfires, IESC, 13-18 May 2013, Cargèse (France),
- Discrete event formalism to calculate acceptable safety distance, P.A. Bisgambiglia, R. Franceschini, F.J. Chatelon, J.L. Rossi and P.A. Bisgambiglia, WinterSim 2013, Proceedings in the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference, December 2013, Washington D.C. (United States), DOI: 10.1109/WSC.2013.6721421
- Rate of spread of surface fires under no wind and no slope conditions. Determination of two criteria for fire extinction, B. Moretti, J.H. Balbi, C. Rossa, J.L. Rossi, D.X. Viegas and A. Simeoni, 7th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, MCS7, 11-15 September 2011, Cagliari (Italy), p. 28
- Flame height model of a spreading surface fire, T. Marcelli, J.H. Balbi, B. Moretti, J.L. Rossi and F.J. Chatelon, 7th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, MCS7, 11-15 September 2011, Cagliari (Italy), p. 34
- The importance of fire front width in the anticipation of eruptive fires, J. Chatelon, J.H. Balbi, J.L. Rossi, J.B. Filippi, T. Marcelli, C. Rossa and D.X. Viegas, 7th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, MCS7, 11-15 September 2011, Cagliari (Italy), p. 32
- Fast and slow regimes of fire propagation, J. Chatelon, J.H. Balbi, J.L. Rossi, B. Moretti and T. Marcelli, VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, October 2010, Coimbra (Portugal), paper 122
- Analytical expression of the safety distance for wildland fires, J.L. Rossi, A. Simeoni, B. Moretti and V. Leroy, VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, October 2010, Coimbra (Portugal), pp. 1-9
- A 3D physical model of surface fires under critical conditions at laboratory scale, J. Chatelon, J.H. Balbi, T. Marcelli and J.L. Rossi, 6th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, MCS6, 7 - 11 June 2009, Porticcio-Ajaccio (France), 10 pages on CD-ROM
- Propagation de feux de végétation : un modèle 3D réel, J.H. Balbi, J.L. ROSSI, T. MARCELLI and P.A. Santoni, Journées Internationales de Thermiques, JITH2005, 15-17 November 2005, Tangier (Morocco), pp. 437 - 440
- Thermal characterization of a fire across a heterogeneous Mediterranean shrub, A. Simeoni, J.L. Rossi, F. Morandini, P.A. Santoni, F. Bosseur, X. Silvani and L. Rossi, Journées Internationales de Thermiques, JITH2005, 15-17 November 2005, Tangier (Morocco), pp. 525 - 528
- Wind and vegetation effects on the dynamics of a fire spreading across a heterogeneous Mediterranean scrub, J.L. Rossi, A. Simeoni, P.A. Santoni, F. Bosseur, F. Morandini, X. Silvani, L. Rossi, J.H. Balbi, T. Marcelli, E. Leoni, D. Cancellieri, F. Rinieri and E. Innocenti, Fourth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, MCS4, Lisbon (Portugal), 6-10 October 2005, 10 pages on CD ROM.
- Metrology of wildland fire: characterisation of a fire spreading across the Corsican scrub, P.A. Santoni, J.H. Balbi, F. Bosseur, E. Innocenti, T. Marcelli, F. Morandini, F. Nasica, A. Pieri, F. Rinieri, J.L. Rossi, L. Rossi, X. Silvani and A. Simeoni. Congrès Environnement et Identité en Méditerranée, 19-25 July 2004. Corte (France), vol.1, pp. 20-30
- Fire spread experiments at field scale: measurement of fire radiation, F. Morandini, J.H. Balbi, P.A. Santoni, J.L. Rossi, and E. Innocenti, Congrès Environnement et Identité en Méditerranée, 19-25 July 2004. Corte (France), vol.1, pp. 31-36